Bike Bracelet- Interactive installation // Bio Feedback device

This exhibition as part of 10 Days on the Island looks at the theme of connection. For this show, I designed an installation that allows an internal bodily process to be externalised. A bracelet with a built in pulse rate sensor is worn whist riding a stationary ghetto bike. The video projection defaults to black & white, but as heart rate increases, you are rewarded with colour. The higher your heart rate, the higher the colour saturation.

Oxidised sterling silver, brass, concrete, paua shell, leather, pulse sensor, black pearls

Oxidised sterling silver, brass, concrete, paua shell, leather, pulse sensor, black pearls

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Artist Statement
Connected Exhibition
Emma Bugg
Bike Bracelet, Biofeedback Device
This work engages traditional silversmith techniques to create jewellery that embodies emergent technology. As devices get smaller and more powerful, the interface between body and machine becomes reality.
The jewellery is a biofeedback device. Linked to a beaded ghetto bike is a bracelet that conceals a pulse rate sensor. As a guest rides the stationary bike, electrical signals generated by their pulse rate are assigned values. As values increase, the participant is rewarded with a change in colour saturation in the simulated video landscape, gamifying the user experience. An invisible internal process is externalized to create a fun and engaging artwork.
Unlike current wearable tech fitness devices, this piece is connected to the tradition of jewellery making with the intention of enchanting wearable technology.
Our connections with each other and the world around us change as technology progresses. Utilising the latest devices, this piece becomes an artefact of current technology in 2015.
Restored bike, bike computer, wooden box, glass beads, leather, sterling silver, brass, pearls, Paua shell, concrete, pulse rate sensing tech device, leather, sequins, Chalcopyrite (Queenstown, Tasmania), Titanium coated quartz, steel, video projection
Acknowledgements go to James Riggall, John Kendall, Andrew Jones and Mike Cruse (Innovation Circle, Launceston) who have assisted with the tech development for this project. Also thanks to Rexy for the footage, and to Julian Bugg for engineering the bike roller.